The 5 Biggest Challenges of Learning the Guitar

Having a website that provides beginner guitar lessons means that I get a ton of mail from students telling me what they find most challenging and asking for advice on different aspects of learning the guitar. I get letters from beginner students from every part of the globe and from all demographic groups, so I think…

Guitarist Rhythm Troubles – How to Stay on Beat!

Lots of beginner and even intermediate guitarists have rhythm problems. I did as well. Actually, guitarists are notoriously known to have no sense of rhythm whatsoever. That’s why drummers were created, to help us stay on beat 🙂 The problem is not really that we don’t have a sense of rhythm, but I think it…

10 Most Common Beginner Guitarist Mistakes

It’s inevitable that when you set out on learning something new, you will make mistakes. This is true for learning guitar as well. Being a private and online guitar teacher, I’ve helped a lot of beginner guitar students get through the initial hardships, and have observed several very common beginner mistakes newbies tend to make….

10 Common Beginner Guitar Student Question and Answers

If you’ve ever contacted me on any guitar-related question, you’ll know that I answer all of my students’ questions personally. I love doing so for people learning from our beginner guitar lessons. There are a lot of typical questions and problems that my online students encounter, so I thought a post on these would be…